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The Marco Project Funds, as agreed to by IONS, will be used for the scientific investigation of Physical Mediumship and its related Macro-PK phenomena.  The Marco Project supports the direct observation and examination of both physical activity and communication claiming to originate from non-corporeal entities in the context of Physical Mediumship.


Much research points to survival of consciousness after permanent bodily death, as well as to the ability of non-physical consciousness to communicate, interact with our physical environment and give evidence of their claims.  Specifically, this research will focus on directly observing the phenomena of Physical Mediumship manifesting without the aid of technology, except as specified in the procedural notes.

When phenomena are accompanied by intelligent and purposeful communication from alleged non-physical operator/s (commonly termed “Spirit”, “Spirit Team”, “Controls”, “Guides” or “Entities”), mutual cooperation and trust between researcher, Medium and non-physical operator/s will be considered essential to create the necessary experimental conditions for phenomena and/or communication to occur. (The term “non-physical” is used loosely, because there is little understanding of disembodied consciousness at the present time).

Physical Mediumship provides a unique opportunity to study phenomena which can directly and objectively be perceived by all present.  Most phenomena are repeatable, in their essence, under proper conditions. Additionally, evidential subjective experiences occur.

Scope of the Project

Within sitter groups, mediumship circles, or in the presence of individual Mediums, a variety of physical phenomena are observed.  The scope of this project includes the following:

To explore the boundary where physical and non-physical states of consciousness interact in a controlled, objectively perceivable manner producing physically measurable phenomena.  This extends to the intentions of sitter groups or Mediums and the rapport that may develop between participants and non-physical entities.

To document the progress and development of physical activity and other related manifestations, including the conditions and environment involved in producing them, as they evolve over time with any particular Physical Medium, “Spirit Team” or established sitter group (also known as “home circle”). A sitter group may be as small as two people, but must already experience physically significant phenomena to be part of a study.

To acquire further understanding both of the variety of possible manifestations and of the laws governing production of the observed phenomena, preferably through an interdisciplinary approach.

To engage, when possible, the non-physical entities claiming to produce such phenomena and cooperatively find ways to monitor, verify and document the manifestations in a way that will not impede their production. This approach may include the development and deployment of novel sensors for detecting and measuring physical effects associated with said phenomena.

Mental Mediumship and Trance states, may only be included in these studies when presenting in conjunction with Physical Mediumship, aiding in the production or understanding of the manifestations as they occur.

Important Procedural Notes

*In the interest of transparency, these guidelines will be provided to all participants, and the specific aim of the research will be clearly stated.

*In each and every interaction with a Medium, Spirit Team, or sitter group, all involved must be treated with the utmost respect and recognized as a source of expert information for that particular experimental group or session.  Sitters’ subjective physical perceptions and reactions during a seance may also prove evidential and contribute to the understanding of the seance as a whole, so they should be encouraged in sharing them, to the extent they feel comfortable, so they may be documented along with the meaning attributed by the sitter.

*When any person involved in these studies must be restrained, or when limits are placed on movement, communication, or the environment of these sessions, all these restrictions must be clearly communicated, agreed and adhered to by all participants.  Additionally, if a Medium expects to become entranced, a familiar person of his/her choice, not part of the research team, will always be present to ensure his/her safety and best interest.

*Control is always recommended during trance states of Physical Mediums, as they cannot be held accountable for their actions while entranced.

*If the Medium is to be physically restrained, the four limb control is to be preferred over other physical means (with this method, adjacent sitters on each side of the Medium control the corresponding hand and foot of the Medium with their own hand and foot).  This is preferred because Spirit Teams have often demonstrated that physical restraints, such as ropes and cable ties, can be both breached and reinstated paranormally.

*No monitoring technology or device will be introduced to the environment without prior explicit authorization from the Medium and/or Spirit Team and authorization obtained for each individual session.  Agreed upon use will be strictly adhered to.  The same applies to any light source.  All rules customary in the sessions will be enforced.

*As exceptions to “manifesting without the aid of technology” low tech objects customary in Physical Mediumship demonstrations (such as trumpets for Direct Voice, musical instruments to be played paranormally, luminescent plaques, a source of red light, or a source of music that sitters sing along with) are acceptable.  Additionally, any object or apparatus specifically requested by the non-physical communicators for the purpose of experimentation, or to demonstrate their ability to interact with the environment, should be provided.  Good examples of this can be found in the seances of Mina Crandon (Margery), in the S.O.R.R.A.T. experiments by William Cox and in the Scole Experiments.

Other examples abound in the history of Physical Mediumship research.


Examples of physical phenomena to investigate include, but are not limited to:

*Paranormally produced “Spirit Lights”, raps, knockings, touches, odors, movement of objects, apports or asports, especially under seance conditions.

*Display of “Ectoplasm”. Miniature faces in ectoplasm. Full or partial materializations. Transfiguration.

*Voice phenomena, either through a seance trumpet (Direct Voice), or in the air (Independent Direct Voice), both produced in the room at a distance from the Medium.

*Table associated phenomena (movement of table, raps and/or levitation).

*Ouija Board type phenomena where an alphabet board is used for the purpose of meaningful communication.

*Independent writing, slate-writing, Independent typing, precipitated art or writing.

*Matter through Matter.  Dematerialization.  Elongation.

*Psychic surgery and healing phenomena through a Physical Medium


Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC), poltergeist and haunting phenomena or “ghost hunting” would NOT fall within the scope of this research because they occur either solely through technology, or in the absence of intelligent cooperation, or meaningful communication, from the alleged non-physical operators.

For Reference

The Scole Experiment (Robin and Sandra Foy) and S.O.R.R.A.T. (Society for Research in Rapport and Telekinesis) Tom Richards and John G. Neihardt are excellent examples of what a Physical Mediumship development group can achieve.